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O'Donnell cops grade 3 charge 3 to 5 weeks depending on early plea

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  • O'Donnell cops grade 3 charge 3 to 5 weeks depending on early plea

    Roosters forward Luke O'Donnell has today been charged with a Grade 3 Dangerous Throw following an incident in the 33rd minute of last night's 56-14 win over the Wests Tigers to close out Round 23.

    An early guilty plea would carry a weight of 393 points and see the former NSW and Australian forward miss three matches, while a failed challenge of the plea would see the O'Donnell miss five matches.

    The Club has until midday on Wednesday (21 August) to enter the plea.

  • #2
    Take the 3.

    Seems very reasonable.


    • #3
      Just in time for the finals. Go freshen up LOD.


      • #4
        That's fair. I'm happy with 3 as it was reckless.

        Shame the same sort of reasonable charge wasn't handed out to Burgess and Lima. Both also deserved 3-5, only to receive 3 weeks combined.

        LOD and JWH however both got long suspensions.



        • #5
          He should have pulled his nut sack off - only 1 week for that.


          • #6
            Or deliberately wrenched his knee, causing injury.

            Only 1 week for that!


            • #7
              Originally posted by player 1:327162
              He should have pulled his nut sack off - only 1 week for that.
              Thanks player 1 got a nice giggle from that.

              I think he should attend any hearing in a nice cardinal and myrtle jumper....automatic concession applies.


              • #8
                bang on the money.
                take the three weeks.


                • #9
                  Take the 3. It was an unusual one and couldve gone either way. Wouldn't have been surprised with 1 week or 6 weeks.

                  He will be a relieved man.

                  On a side note, is MK any chance of a return this season. It would be nice to have him available for the finals if we get injuries or suspension (despite what the majority on here think of him).


                  • #10
                    I just knew this utter bull$hit was going to happen, f**king typical!!

                    LOD gets 3 weeks for a bloke doing a cartwheel, no harm done, yes it was dumb but most certainly not worth more than 2 weeks!! Compare this to what bull$cumdog$hit player inu did earlier this year with one of the worst spear tackles I have ever seen with gi being dumped straight onto his head and he gets only 1 more week than LOD for doing that!!

                    Than you can throw in the ridiculously light sentences handed to $ouff$ players lima where he deliberately injures a player in a dog of an act and $am burge$$ where he does a dog of an act with a squirrel grip, along with Ashton Sims where he does the exact same thing as SBW but gets charged with a grade 1 whereas SBW gets charged with a grade 3. Outrageous double standard bull$hit!!

                    Look at all the carry over points LOD is now going to have, to go along with JWH and SBW. If any of them so much as sneeze in the wrong manor on the field they will cop a weeks suspension and could end up missing a grand final qualifier or even the grandfinal itself! The NRL have us over a barrel which is exactly just what they were hoping for! Can't beat em, cheat em!
                    The year 2013 marks the beginning of the Roosters next 'decade of excellence', and it will prove to be more successful than the last!

                    Here's looking at you, kid.


                    • #11
                      Will be a massive loss v Souffs.



                      • #12
                        I think the club will be looking at having the charge downgraded. Should only miss about two weeks.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Julz View Post
                          I think the club will be looking at having the charge downgraded. Should only miss about two weeks.
                          Could be worth a go. As it turned out, it wasn't a tenth as dangerous as Teflon Cronk's tackle on RTS earlier in the year. Amazingly, he had no case to answer at all! Here, have a look for yourself:



                          • #14
                            Really a dumb act by LOD when you consider he could have wrenched Simona's knee 360 degrees for a one week penalty and when he was on the ground in pain, proceeded to squeeze his balls and pick up an extra 2 weeks. Same result but more pain inflicted.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by The Rooster Oracle View Post
                              I just knew this utter bull$hit was going to happen, f**king typical!!

                              LOD gets 3 weeks for a bloke doing a cartwheel, no harm done, yes it was dumb but most certainly not worth more than 2 weeks!! Compare this to what bull$cumdog$hit player inu did earlier this year with one of the worst spear tackles I have ever seen with gi being dumped straight onto his head and he gets only 1 more week than LOD for doing that!!

                              Than you can throw in the ridiculously light sentences handed to $ouff$ players lima where he deliberately injures a player in a dog of an act and $am burge$$ where he does a dog of an act with a squirrel grip, along with Ashton Sims where he does the exact same thing as SBW but gets charged with a grade 1 whereas SBW gets charged with a grade 3. Outrageous double standard bull$hit!!

                              Look at all the carry over points LOD is now going to have, to go along with JWH and SBW. If any of them so much as sneeze in the wrong manor on the field they will cop a weeks suspension and could end up missing a grand final qualifier or even the grandfinal itself! The NRL have us over a barrel which is exactly just what they were hoping for! Can't beat em, cheat em!
                              This is a complete ****en outrage These grubby little ****s who come up with the charge sheets or wraps or whatever you want to call them Really need to be called in to question

                              Just enough of a suspension to cause damage to our chances of finishing 1st But not high enough where the club will seriously challenge this and risk losing LOD for the finals series

                              Finally had the referee done his job on field and penalised the mutt who had his knee all over LOD instead of allowing it to turn into a hand bags at 10 paces confrontation Or had he been competent and penalised the mutt from wests after he allowed the whoe situation to turn into a complete ****ing farce Then this would not have happened
                              Last edited by Andrew Walker; 08-20-2013, 02:53 PM.
                              We used to have empires run by emperors. Then we had kingdoms run by kings.
                              Now we have countries run by ………

