Jack the tradie Aussie voter. "Aw..Jeez...not more political stuff. Things that I don't really understand because I don't have an atom of interest and always vote Lib like mum and dad did. Anyway, the blokes on Sky and 9 Entertainment sum it all up nicely for me - Albo and his Government are "do nothins".
It's a common sentiment and readily believed if the MS media doesn't do its job and inform. I'm no longer an ALP voter, the US puppet role doesn't appeal to me but then again, as Trump is demonstrating atm, the US can be brutal with uncooperative friends like Colombia so Albo is understandably cautious given the commitment of the Media/Libs pro American alliance.
Not being a supporter aside, it's only fair that we look at the work of the ALP Government during this term and reflect on the shibboleth "Do nothing Government". We might also reflect on the former Government "achievements" by comparison.
A "do nothing" list should be a short one so here goes:
* Budget Surpluses. Libs 0 - ALP 2 out of 2 after inheriting a huge structural deficit.
* Up to13% pay rise for Aged care health workers.
* increased Medicare safety net threshold. And the establishment of emergency bulk billing Medicare clinics.
* Reputedly the strongest multi National tax evasion measures in the world. This is a biggie, acclaimed by international agencies. You should research it, you won't find anything in the msm.
* Criminalization of wage underpayment, now designated Theft.
* The largest minimum wage increase in over a decade.
* Cheaper prescription medicine, paid domestic violence leave.
* Legislation to make Banks and social media responsible for scams which rob people of thousands of dollars.
* Laws protecting gig economy slave workers .
* Reducing inflation from 6% to less than 3% .
* Finishing the NBN with fibre to the premises after the Libs' copper disaster. Remember "We'll do it better and cheaper" - Yeah right.
* Stabilisation of our trade relations with China our biggest trade partner. The Libs wanted to destroy it just to curry favour with the Empire.
* Achieving the release of Julian Assange (the bravest Australian). Assange's lawyer credited Albanese's "statesmanship" as key to the release.
* A drive towards renewables after years of Lib inaction. We are now on track for a 42% reduction in emissions by 2030 and 80% renewables by 2030 which Dutton is pledged to stop.
It would appear, then, that the Government has been doing quite a bit. The Libs have opposed all of this reform all along so as to create the impression of ''do nothing" though, despite best efforts, the opposition to things that benefit citizens didn't work ultimately (thanks to the Greens) but what the Hell, the right wing msm just keeps up the line. Working in tandem with the Libs, our media has only scantily covered these policy achievements. Capitalists don't like much that doesn't favour business.
It's a common sentiment and readily believed if the MS media doesn't do its job and inform. I'm no longer an ALP voter, the US puppet role doesn't appeal to me but then again, as Trump is demonstrating atm, the US can be brutal with uncooperative friends like Colombia so Albo is understandably cautious given the commitment of the Media/Libs pro American alliance.
Not being a supporter aside, it's only fair that we look at the work of the ALP Government during this term and reflect on the shibboleth "Do nothing Government". We might also reflect on the former Government "achievements" by comparison.
A "do nothing" list should be a short one so here goes:
* Budget Surpluses. Libs 0 - ALP 2 out of 2 after inheriting a huge structural deficit.
* Up to13% pay rise for Aged care health workers.
* increased Medicare safety net threshold. And the establishment of emergency bulk billing Medicare clinics.
* Reputedly the strongest multi National tax evasion measures in the world. This is a biggie, acclaimed by international agencies. You should research it, you won't find anything in the msm.
* Criminalization of wage underpayment, now designated Theft.
* The largest minimum wage increase in over a decade.
* Cheaper prescription medicine, paid domestic violence leave.
* Legislation to make Banks and social media responsible for scams which rob people of thousands of dollars.
* Laws protecting gig economy slave workers .
* Reducing inflation from 6% to less than 3% .
* Finishing the NBN with fibre to the premises after the Libs' copper disaster. Remember "We'll do it better and cheaper" - Yeah right.
* Stabilisation of our trade relations with China our biggest trade partner. The Libs wanted to destroy it just to curry favour with the Empire.
* Achieving the release of Julian Assange (the bravest Australian). Assange's lawyer credited Albanese's "statesmanship" as key to the release.
* A drive towards renewables after years of Lib inaction. We are now on track for a 42% reduction in emissions by 2030 and 80% renewables by 2030 which Dutton is pledged to stop.
It would appear, then, that the Government has been doing quite a bit. The Libs have opposed all of this reform all along so as to create the impression of ''do nothing" though, despite best efforts, the opposition to things that benefit citizens didn't work ultimately (thanks to the Greens) but what the Hell, the right wing msm just keeps up the line. Working in tandem with the Libs, our media has only scantily covered these policy achievements. Capitalists don't like much that doesn't favour business.