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The Coming Federal Election.

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  • The Coming Federal Election.

    Jack the tradie Aussie voter. "Aw..Jeez...not more political stuff. Things that I don't really understand because I don't have an atom of interest and always vote Lib like mum and dad did. Anyway, the blokes on Sky and 9 Entertainment sum it all up nicely for me - Albo and his Government are "do nothins".

    It's a common sentiment and readily believed if the MS media doesn't do its job and inform. I'm no longer an ALP voter, the US puppet role doesn't appeal to me but then again, as Trump is demonstrating atm, the US can be brutal with uncooperative friends like Colombia so Albo is understandably cautious given the commitment of the Media/Libs pro American alliance.

    Not being a supporter aside, it's only fair that we look at the work of the ALP Government during this term and reflect on the shibboleth "Do nothing Government". We might also reflect on the former Government "achievements" by comparison.

    A "do nothing" list should be a short one so here goes:

    * Budget Surpluses. Libs 0 - ALP 2 out of 2 after inheriting a huge structural deficit.

    * Up to13% pay rise for Aged care health workers.

    * increased Medicare safety net threshold. And the establishment of emergency bulk billing Medicare clinics.

    * Reputedly the strongest multi National tax evasion measures in the world. This is a biggie, acclaimed by international agencies. You should research it, you won't find anything in the msm.

    * Criminalization of wage underpayment, now designated Theft.

    * The largest minimum wage increase in over a decade.

    Cheaper prescription medicine, paid domestic violence leave.

    * Legislation to make Banks and social media responsible for scams which rob people of thousands of dollars.

    * Laws protecting gig economy slave workers .

    * Reducing inflation from 6% to less than 3% .

    * Finishing the NBN with fibre to the premises after the Libs' copper disaster. Remember "We'll do it better and cheaper" - Yeah right.

    * Stabilisation of our trade relations with China our biggest trade partner. The Libs wanted to destroy it just to curry favour with the Empire.

    * Achieving the release of Julian Assange (the bravest Australian). Assange's lawyer credited Albanese's "statesmanship" as key to the release.

    * A drive towards renewables after years of Lib inaction. We are now on track for a 42% reduction in emissions by 2030 and 80% renewables by 2030 which Dutton is pledged to stop.

    It would appear, then, that the Government has been doing quite a bit. The Libs have opposed all of this reform all along so as to create the impression of ''do nothing" though, despite best efforts, the opposition to things that benefit citizens didn't work ultimately (thanks to the Greens) but what the Hell, the right wing msm just keeps up the line. Working in tandem with the Libs, our media has only scantily covered these policy achievements. Capitalists don't like much that doesn't favour business.
    Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-01-2025, 05:24 PM.

  • #2
    Ok I’m voting Labor

    PS Shouldn’t the thread title read The Upcoming Federal Election
    When you trust your television
    what you get is what you got
    Cause when they own the information
    they can bend it all they want

    John Mayer


    • #3
      The meaning is the same Loki. "Upcoming"is closer in time if anything. More important is that we counter the perception, encouraged by the msm, that a cabal of billionaires have the ordinary person's best interests at heart. The US ''deplorables" (deplorable because they're such egregious mugs) have bought the whole disaster once again - fool me a thousand times, shame on me.

      Of course we have our own stupid lot who believe similarly - mostly greedy tradies and that ilk who left school early and are only interested in seeing more Tory largess of the gst kind. More cash money than they've ever earned before, most of them having scraped through their trade qualifications. Meanwhile the ordinary punter probably thinks that Howard's GST has destroyed the black economy.

      Going forward, we need to look skeptically at Dutton's plans and/or the lack thereof. What we have is the usual stuff from msm - report nothing that might be positive for progressives and beat up bullshit like Nuclear to avoid and action on Climate. Anyone like to list the achievements of Scomo et al??
      Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-01-2025, 11:31 AM.


      • #4
        According to a number of posters on the main site there is a cost of living crises and families are doing it tough - Do you think there is one (Cost of Living Crises) and if so what should either of the main political parties do to address this crisis?.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
          Jack the tradie Aussie voter. "Aw..Jeez...not more political stuff. Things that I don't really understand because I don't have an atom of interest and always vote Lib like mum and dad did. Anyway, the blokes on Sky and 9 Entertainment sum it all up nicely for me _ Albo and his Government are "do nothins".

          It's a common sentiment and readily believed if the MS media doesn't do its job and inform. I'm no longer an ALP voter, the US puppet roll doesn't appeal to me but then again, as Trump is demonstrating atm, the US can be brutal with uncooperative friends like Colombia so Albo is understandably cautious given the commitment of the Media/Libs pro American alliance.

          Not being a supporter aside, it's only fair that we look at the work of the ALP Government during this term and reflect on the shibboleth "Do nothing Government". We might also reflect on the former Government "achievements" by comparison.

          A "do nothing" list should be a short one so here goes:

          * Up to13% pay rise for Aged care health workers.

          * increased Medicare safety net threshold. And the establishment of emergency bulk billing Medicare clinics.

          * Reputedly the strongest multi National tax evasion measures in the world. This is a biggie, acclaimed by international agencies. You should research it, you won't find anything in the msm.

          * Criminalization of wage underpayment, now designated Theft.

          * The largest minimum wage increase in over a decade.

          Cheaper prescription medicine, paid domestic violence leave.

          * Legislation to make Banks and social media responsible for scams which rob people of thousands of dollars.

          * Laws protecting gig economy slave workers .

          * Reducing inflation from 6% to less than 3% .

          * Finishing the NBN with fibre to the premises after the Libs' copper disaster. Remember "We'll do it better and cheaper" - Yeah right.

          * Stabilisation of our trade relations with China our biggest trade partner. The Libs wanted to destroy it just to curry favour with the Empire.

          * Achieving the release of Julian Assange (the bravest Australian). Assange's lawyer credited Albanese's "statesmanship" as key to the release.

          * A drive towards renewables after years of Lib inaction. We are now on track for a 42% reduction in emissions by 2030 and 80% renewables by 2030 which Dutton is pledged to stop.

          It would appear, then, that the Government has been doing quite a bit. The Libs have opposed all of this reform all along so as to create the impression of ''do nothing" though, despite best efforts, the opposition to things that benefit citizens didn't work ultimately (thanks to the Greens) but what the Hell, the right wing msm just keeps up the line. Working in tandem with the Libs, our media has only scantly covered these policy achievements. Capitalists don't like much that doesn't favour business.
          If you're not voting Labor then who are you voting for - I don't think the Commo Party of Australia has any candidates - Maybe the Socialist Alliance will - I suspect you will vote for the watermelon party though.


          • #6
            Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
            According to a number of posters on the main site there is a cost of living crises and families are doing it tough - Do you think there is one (Cost of Living Crises) and if so what should either of the main political parties do to address this crisis?.
            Cost of living issues are universal. Can't imagine the Tories offering some kind of New Deal for Oz, government led. Neo Cons want less Government activity not more and they're not gonna go in the direction of any wealth distribution. Like the Trumpster they prefer diversionary stunts duly propagated by a media controlled by their rich supporters.

            The ALP's measures have been little disseminated by the MSM but are positive and easily googled. Inflation reducing for one.


            • #7
              Originally posted by King Salvo View Post
              According to a number of posters on the main site there is a cost of living crises and families are doing it tough - Do you think there is one (Cost of Living Crises) and if so what should either of the main political parties do to address this crisis?.
              Inflation's been high and so is the cash rate. I think this has created a cost of living crisis but this is a global phenomenon. In short... most governments did massive cash splashes during COVID lockdowns to prevent recessions. This led to inflation getting too high (globally) and central banks had to respond by independently tightening monetary policy.

              Australia has done well to arrest inflation and it is likely (though not certain) that the cash rate will go down in February. I don't expect sharp cuts over the course of 2025, but I expect some relief for borrowers.

              Gonna stay outta the politics as most of it's partisan BS and I can't be farked arguing about politics on here given where it always seems to go (I've blocked a heap of shills, some of which I suspect are the same immature human being, hyperactively sharing their whacky manlove for Donald Trump & Peter Dutton). We're going through a particularly toxic period of political discourse where unfortunately some people think it's totally okay to behave like that. I disagree and simply don't engage with shills as life's too short...

              More broadly what can governments do? Governments are responsible for taxation and fiscal policy (whereas the RBA sets the cash rate) so those are their two levers. It's a fine balance because spending too much will put pressure on inflation (the RBA wants people to spend less, not for the government to dole out $$$ so they can keep spending), spending too little will leave people behind (possibly causing a recession too - which we have avoided) and I don't think there's much we can do in terms of major tax reform right now.

              In short I think Australia pretty much rides the waves of the global economy. We can't just opt out of major global events like the GFC, COVID-19, Russia attacking Ukraine, Trump starting a trade war with China...etc. While the road has been rocky, I think the 'cost of living crisis' is relatively nuanced in that people aren't starving & losing their houses. IMO the middle class have had to tighten their belts a little (e.g. I've been buying less retro games, eating out less and making my running shoes last longer). Frankly I don't think stuff like that is the government's responsibility.

              They can do the BIG things like balancing the budget such that it isn't contributing to inflation during current times. However to give some ballpark figures... across my 5 mortgages (multiple investment properties and a recently upgraded house - entirely my choice so not the government's fault!!!) the interest rate hikes wiped ~$3000 off my family's fortnightly earnings. If we don't like that and instead want to prioritise retro games, dinners out and $350 pairs of running shoes (hint: my wife quite sensibly doesn't) then we can sell a few properties and move into a smaller house. All the people buying $85k Teslas (with borrowed money / novated leases) in order to 'save' on petrol are in a similar boat where that's THEIR choice.

              Most middle-class Australians (intentionally ignoring the poor as they are ~5-10% and their long-term scenario is not a new 'crisis') are faced with this 'crisis' scenario but are equipped to navigate it by themselves and it's not the government's role to tell them how to manage their own private salaries. If interest rates had continued to increase heavily over the past 6-12 months then my assessment of the current 'crisis' may be different. However our banks remain strong and there aren't masses of middle-class Australians being pushed out onto the street. Employment and incomes remain steady!

              Not saying things are easy but I think we're on the right path and STABILITY (so that we can plan our family/business budgets properly) is what's needed right now as opposed to radical reforms. To be clear I don't think governments need to increase taxes violently in order to give more money to the poor (assuming they could even do that) or axe the shyte outta social welfare programs in order to try and achieve a surplus (that would likely cause a recession). Our current middle path (though boring) and a bit of patience is all we need... we're on the right track.


              • #8
                Well said Izzy but let's not abandon the field to the shills whose brand of ignorance needs to be met with evidence and reason. There are plenty of young people on this site who might be influenced by the emotional twaddle of the goombahs among us.

                Lib/Murdoch "policies" need to be critiqued here. Our young people are not going to get any analysis from the msm apart from the lies and omissions with regard to progressive policies.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                  Well said Izzy but let's not abandon the field to the shills whose brand of ignorance needs to be met with evidence and reason. There are plenty of young people on this site who might be influenced by the emotional twaddle of the goombahs among us.

                  Lib/Murdoch "policies" need to be critiqued here. Our young people are not going to get any analysis from the msm apart from the lies and omissions with regard to progressive policies.
                  I remember the days when you were on Izzy’s ignore list. He thinks you and I are the same poster

                  I hope Labor win this election I don’t like Dutton
                  When you trust your television
                  what you get is what you got
                  Cause when they own the information
                  they can bend it all they want

                  John Mayer


                  • #10
                    It does often look that way Loki and I rejoice in our union. You've always been staunch - first with your pretty amazing poetry contributions which showed that doggerel could be art, Not to mention your past supportive comments on the Officer Class and your relentless struggle against the confused inanities of Salvo and Iz (though Izzy is seeing the light gradually, Sal remains something of a lost cause) and the Trumpsters here. I look forward to even more support re overpaid Tradies. Sorting that out is gonna be a huge mission but if anyone's up for it it's you and I friend.

                    I loved Whoopie Goldberg's demolition of Trump's female media emptyhead regarding the word woke. did you see it? I wonder what the meatheads make of reasoning like that?These fools who see Pratt and Rinehart at the Inauguration and think they have some kinship with them is hilarious.

                    Breaking news: Multi billionaires who have, throughout history, exploited workers, been corrupt and filched natural resources have changed the habits of millenias and are now solidly behind the working classes. Hallelujah! Who woulda thought - well Jax, '08, Carlotta actually. No doubt the mighty one sees some good in them - never met a billionaire, tradie or Officer she couldn't like. Everyone's mate. Nice to be that way , the exploiters love it.
                    Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 02-02-2025, 12:08 PM.


                    • #11
                      Well, I voted liberal in last years qld state election, but I was playing the game properly.
                      I voted for my local candidate.
                      He came around to my house and we had a nice chat, He shared my concerns about the local hospital.
                      Our labour candidate was more interested in photo opportunities.

                      How the federal election goes I've no idea.
                      Events of the last 6 months or so have made me more cynical than I was if that's possible.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by eddie View Post
                        Well, I voted liberal in last years qld state election, but I was playing the game properly.
                        I voted for my local candidate.
                        He came around to my house and we had a nice chat, He shared my concerns about the local hospital.
                        Our labour candidate was more interested in photo opportunities.

                        How the federal election goes I've no idea.
                        Events of the last 6 months or so have made me more cynical than I was if that's possible.

                        Welcome back Eddie Good to hear from you again I hope you stick around
                        Last edited by Andrew Walker; 02-02-2025, 02:50 PM.
                        When you trust your television
                        what you get is what you got
                        Cause when they own the information
                        they can bend it all they want

                        John Mayer


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
                          It does often look that way Loki and I rejoice in our union. You've always been staunch - first with your pretty amazing poetry contributions which showed that doggerel could be art, Not to mention your past supportive comments on the Officer Class and your relentless struggle against the confused inanities of Salvo and Iz (though Izzy is seeing the light gradually, Sal remains something of a lost cause) and the Trumpsters here. I look forward to even more support re overpaid Tradies. Sorting that out is gonna be a huge mission but if anyone's up for it it's you and I friend.

                          I loved Whoopie Goldberg's demolition of Trump's female media emptyhead regarding the word woke. did you see it? I wonder what the meatheads make of reasoning like that?These fools who see Pratt and Rinehart at the Inauguration and think they have some kinship with them is hilarious.

                          Breaking news: Multi billionaires who have, throughout history, exploited workers, been corrupt and filched natural resources have changed the habits of millenias and are now solidly behind the working classes. Hallelujah! Who woulda thought - well Jax, '08, Carlotta actually. No doubt the mighty one sees some good in them - never met a billionaire, tradie or Officer she couldn't like. Everyone's mate. Nice to be that way , the exploiters love it.
                          You’ve been away too long and aren’t up to date with the Trump lovers and haters. You need to do some homework.


                          • #14
                            A polite reminder This is The Upcoming Federal Election thread In which I will be voting Labor

                            As PC has said I too have no doubt that the likes of 08 Carlos and Jaxxx will be voting Liberal


                            When you trust your television
                            what you get is what you got
                            Cause when they own the information
                            they can bend it all they want

                            John Mayer


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Andrew Walker View Post
                              A polite reminder This is The Upcoming Federal Election thread In which I will be voting Labor

                              As PC has said I too have no doubt that the likes of 08 Carlos and Jaxxx will be voting Liberal


                              No one could ever convince me to vote Dutton. But I have a feeling the goings on in the US will only help him and his supporters. In that regard I think Trump and the US election results and its impact on Australian voters and Dutton’s policies and electioneering style is a valid discussion topic for this thread.

